Thursday, December 9, 2010

Accessories 2 - I'm back

After a full semester of use I have now found the time to update this blog. It's beyond me how people have the time to blog, tweet and text message constantly and still have time to work. that's age I guess!

OK back to accessories. I really like typing on the iPad screen and can do so for about an hour without becoming annoyed or frustrated. But then I am a lousy typist at the best of times, so maybe the onscreen keyboard is good for hunt and peck people like me. For most competent typists, and for most extended typing sessions you will probably want to buy an external keyboard. There are two types - a fixed type into which the iPad docks and is connected to a wall power socket so that the iPad charges when docked, and a Bluetooth keyboard which pairs with the iPad wirelessly. I bought the former and in retrospect that was a mistake. Why? Well, if you are interested in using an iPad in a third level environment you will almost certainly want to use it to give lectures, and that means running some sort of presentation app on the iPad. The best of these is Keynote for the iPad (reviewed later), which I have and use extensively. However Keynote for the iPad only runs in landscape mode, and the iPad can only be docked in landscape orientation - so the dock keyboard is useless for preparing presentations. So for portability and flexibility I would recommend either using the onscreen keyboard, or buying a BlueTooth keyboard.

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